How to remember chords on the beginnings of famous melodies

It doesn't matter what causes the urgent need to memorize chords by heart. Perhaps you need to show off skills in front of fellow musicians. Or, much worse, the solfeggio exam is “on the nose”, and you do not distinguish a triad from a quartekstektakord — a crime within the framework of the criminal code, in the opinion of your theorist.

What stage is the D7, or the music catechism built on?

Can you tell me on which level the dominant seventh chord is built? With such a question to me sometimes beginners solfezhisty. How not to tell? Indeed, for a musician, this question is from the catechism. By the way, do you know the word catechism? Catechism is an ancient Greek word, which in the modern sense means a summary of any teaching (for example, religious) in the form of questions and answers.

Charlie Put: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Charlie Put This young man from an ordinary family was lucky to know his purpose in life as a child. Either fate was favorable, or mothers deepest passion for music gave results, it is difficult to answer unequivocally. Charlie Putu was helped by talent and self-confidence. His work conquered the Internet in order to take the leading positions in the world music charts.

Elvis Presley: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Elvis Presley The life journey of Elvis Presley became the embodiment of the American dream. An attractive young man from a poor family suddenly became the idol of the public, destroying the stereotypes of the music world. Singing like black, dressing like black, acting like black - how could a decent white American like himself to do such antics in the middle of the 20th century?

Concert programs of the ensemble "Semper-musica"

Concert programs: "In the name of Clara" R. Schumann - Quartet op.47 Es-dur for piano, violin, viola and cello I. Brahms - Quartet No. 1 g-moll op.25 for piano, violin, viola and cello The program is composed from the works of composers - romantics. This genre is easy for anyone to listen to, regardless of age, musical tastes and degree of preparedness.

La Campanella. Musical performances. Old songs.

What is old music like? What first comes to mind at the mention of it? Perhaps, the smooth and graceful movements of the dancers in elegant camisoles and powdered wigs? And perhaps the Gregorian chant, imbued with the spirit of severe asceticism? Or unpretentious old songs to the accompaniment of viola da gamba and lute?

Old church frets: briefly for solfeggists - what is Lydian, Mixolydian and other muted musical frets?

Once in one of the articles on musical harmony, it has already been said that the frets in music - well, just the sea. There are really many of them, and the most common ways of classical European music are major and minor, which also have more than one variety. Something from the history of ancient frets But before the appearance of major and minor itself and their final consolidation with the assertion of a homophonic-harmonic warehouse in secular music, in professional European music completely different frets existed - they are now called ancient church frets (they are sometimes called natural frets ).

Rhythm for children: a lesson in kindergarten

Rhythmics (rhythmic gymnastics) is a system of musical rhythmic education, the purpose of which is to develop a sense of rhythm and coordination. Rhythmics are also called classes for children (usually preschool-age children), where kids learn to move to music, control their body, develop attention and memory.

Voice hygiene, or how to grow a good voice?

Some vocalists are gifted with a beautiful voice from birth and in order to make a real diamond from an uncut diamond, they need to try a little bit. But what about those people who want to become really good vocalists, but the nature of their voices is not so strong? So how to grow a voice?

Opera "Aida": content, video, interesting facts, history

D. Verdi opera "Aida" The opera Giuseppe Verdi "Aida" can rightly be called one of the best in the history of music. Everything in it is beautiful: colorful music, vivid images and an unusual plot based on real historical events, which gives it particular urgency. It is known that the scriptwriter was the famous Egyptologist O.