Parenting. Musical development.


classical music
for kids

Develop musical
hearing in a child

Charging for children to music

Mozart for children: how to raise a genius

What is singing and how to learn to sing

Journey from the Middle Ages to Baroque

Music upbringing:
through the pages of history

Punishment with sticks
or musical education in the XVIII century

Color music

Musical journey around the world
Part One - Native Land

Musical journey around the world
part two - across the ocean to new sounds

From rattle to piano

Symphonic music for a teenager

Classical cartoon music

Art is an integral part of the life of any person. Especially important is its influence on the upbringing of children. Music develops taste, love for the beautiful, improves thinking, enriches the emotional sphere and is one of the best means to foster a harmonious personality. We will tell you about the influence of melodies on the younger generation and invite you to reflect on the value of art in the upbringing and life of a child.
On our site you will learn about the development of a child through the perception of musical art, get acquainted with the exercises to improve hearing. After all, only five percent of people have absolute hearing, most of them bring it to perfection using special techniques. Our articles present a simple set of exercises and exercises, following which you will be able to develop the musical abilities of your baby, starting from birth.

How is the upbringing of children using classical music?

• Music, like no other art form, develops imagination, visual-figurative thinking and memory.
• With her, your child learn self-control.
• Listening to specially selected compositions is able to activate the connections of nerve cells, thereby having a positive effect on the mental development of the baby.
On our site you are waiting for excursions through the pages of history, you will learn about the upbringing of music in antiquity. We will tell about the history of art, present the works of great classics that influence the musical development of the child. Our site is regularly updated with new, interesting articles and techniques for the development of kids of any age, we will be happy to see you on the pages of our portal.


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